Corus Academy is the training platform specialising in the digitalisation of dentistry. To be ready to manage this change in how we operate, the clinical environment needs training to help ensure digital protocols are quickly, reliably and effectively implemented. This entire process must be guided by an overview of the workflow combined with specific products and services designed from the perspective of the needs of clinics and their patients.
Our knowledge, in conjunction with the digital management of our laboratory network, enables us to obtain large volumes of valuable data. By analysing and processing these data with the help of artificial intelligence, we are able to forge a new path in innovation and development.
We are part of the process of digital transformation and learning in the field of dentistry. Here, we take a holistic approach that makes it possible to quickly and effectively apply the knowledge acquired: IN & OUT Programme.
Science outreach
We want to establish and support the necessary synergies with the academic environment, science-based companies and businesses operating in the sector, to generate new lines of research, study and communication. We strive to be allies of development and scientific dissemination in Europe.
Jorge Herrera, Xavi Olba, David Soler, Nacho Gascón, Ainhoa Berganza
Experiencia 360 en la Clínica Digital - Diflow Expert (Módulos I y II). Spanish Edition.
Aumenta la eficiencia de tu clínica desde la primera visita... ¡Crea experiencias inolvidables!
Jorge Herrera, Nacho Gascón
Workflow Digital en la Consulta Dental. Módulo II - Diflow Expert. Spanish Edition.
Crea flujos digitales eficientes, rentables y de valor... ¡Lleva tu consulta al siguiente nivel!
Jorge Herrera, Xavi Olba, David Soler
Introducción al Marketing Digital. Módulo I - Diflow Expert. Spanish Edition.
Profundiza en el nuevo paradigma del paciente digital y... ¡Llena tu clínica!
Our commitment is to build a training environment that combines in-person, mixed and online programmes. This training is aimed at two different audiences in two different programmes: IN & OUT.
For clinics
The OUT programme is intended to become a benchmark in dentistry training and is based on accompanying dental clinics in their digitalisation challenges. We focus on digital learning in specialisms such as aesthetics, implantology, orthodontics, operations and management.
For Corus technicians
The IN programme aims to contribute to training every member of the company. This is a basic part of what makes a company, and Corus Academy is the place to accomplish it.
By taking full advantage of all the talent you have, you will multiply your results.
Corus Academy cooperates with universities and other businesses operating in the sector to promote development and scientific dissemination in the dental field.
Universities play a key role in development and dissemination. Our network of laboratories regularly accepts partnership proposals to work with different European universities. By cooperating in studies, training, conferences and other activities, we strive to contribute to fostering the visibility that all this development deserves and ensuring it is valued. We are an ally to development and dissemination in Europe.